Template:Infobox power station
以下模板適用於各類型發電方式的發電廠。請按住 CTRL 來複製各類型發電廠張章節中的所需代碼 (Windows):
{{{name}}} | |
![]() {{{image_caption}}} | |
全称 | {{{name_official}}} |
國家/地区 | {{{country}}} |
位置 | {{{location}}} |
現況 | {{{status}}} |
始建日期 | {{{construction_began}}} |
啟用日期 | {{{commissioned}}} |
退役日期 | {{{decommissioned}}} |
建造費用 | {{{cost}}} |
持有單位 | {{{owner}}} |
运营单位 | {{{operator}}} |
地熱發電廠 | |
類型 | {{{geo_type}}} |
最低發電溫度 | {{{geo_temp_requirement}}} |
水井 | {{{geo_well_count}}} |
最大井深 | {{{geo_well_depth}}} |
熱水輸出 | {{{geo_water_output}}} |
热电联产 | {{{geo_cogeneration}}} |
核电站 | |
反應堆類型 | {{{np_reactor_type}}} |
反應堆供應商 | {{{np_reactor_supplier}}} |
燃料類型 | {{{np_fuel_type}}} |
類型供應商 | {{{np_fuel_supplier}}} |
热电联产 | {{{np_cogeneration}}} |
冷卻來源 | {{{np_cooling_source}}} |
冷卻塔 | {{{np_cooling_towers}}} |
抽水蓄能电站 | |
上池 | {{{psps_upper_res}}} |
上池容量 | {{{psps_upper_res_capacity}}} |
壓力鋼管 | {{{psps_penstocks}}} |
下池 | {{{psps_lower_res}}} |
下池容量 | {{{psps_lower_res_capacity}}} |
扬程 | {{{psps_hydraulic_head}}} |
發電機組 | {{{psps_generators}}} |
水泵發電機 | {{{psps_pumpgenerators}}} |
水泵 | {{{psps_pumps}}} |
太陽能發電场 | |
類型 | {{{solar_type}}} |
CSP技術 | {{{solar_csp_technology}}} |
濃度比率 | {{{solar_concentration}}} |
集熱器 | {{{solar_collectors}}} |
總集熱面積 | {{{solar_collectors_area}}} |
總孔面積 | {{{solar_aperture_area}}} |
場地面積 | {{{solar_site_area}}} |
場地資源 | {{{solar_site_resource}}} |
火力发电站 | |
主要燃料 | {{{th_fuel_primary}}} |
次要燃料 | {{{th_fuel_secondary}}} |
三級燃料 | {{{th_fuel_tertiary}}} |
類型 | {{{th_technology}}} |
進料礦 | {{{th_feed_mine}}} |
热电联产 | {{{th_cogeneration}}} |
联合循环 | {{{th_combined_cycle}}} |
冷卻來源 | {{{th_cooling_source}}} |
潮汐發電站 | |
類型 | {{{tide_technology}}} |
TSG類型 | {{{tide_tsg_type}}} |
閘高度 | {{{tide_barrage_height}}} |
閘長度 | {{{tide_barrage_length}}} |
閘寬度 | {{{tide_barrage_width}}} |
橫跨 | {{{tide_crosses}}} |
渠道寬度 | {{{tide_channel_width}}} |
渠道速率 | {{{tide_channel_speed}}} |
垂直長度 | {{{tide_dtp_length_perp}}} |
平行長度 | {{{tide_dtp_length_para}}} |
潮差 | {{{tide_range}}} |
波浪發電站 | |
類型 | {{{wave_technology}}} |
海上場地面積 | {{{wave_site_area}}} |
發電機深度 | {{{wave_generator_depth}}} |
離岸距離 | {{{wave_shore_distance}}} |
风力发电场 | |
類型 | {{{wind_farm_type}}} |
平均場地高度 | {{{wind_site_elevation}}} |
場地用途 | {{{wind_site_usage}}} |
場地面積 | {{{wind_site_area}}} |
最大水深 | {{{wind_offshore_depth}}} |
離岸距離 | {{{wind_offshore_distance}}} |
輪轂高度 | {{{wind_hub_height}}} |
轉子直徑 | {{{wind_rotor_diameter}}} |
額定風速 | {{{wind_rated_speed}}} |
水力发电站 | |
水力發電形式 | {{{generate_electricity_type}}} |
取水來源 | {{{water_intake_from}}} |
發電機型號 | {{{hydroelectricity_generator_type}}} |
水輪機型號 | {{{water_turbine_manu_other}}} |
廠房類型 | {{{factory_building_type}}} |
壓力鋼管 | {{{water_penstock}}} |
水頭高度 | {{{water_hard}}} |
用水量 | {{{water_consumption}}} |
水力发电站远程集控中心 | |
所属廠房數 | {{{power_house}}} |
集控機組數 | {{{unit_number}}} |
發電水壩數 | {{{dam_number}}} |
總额定容量 | {{{installed_capacity}}} |
垃圾焚烧发电厂 | |
焚烧炉數 | {{{refuse_incineration_plant_number}}} |
爐體類型 | {{{refuse_incineration_plant_type}}} |
設計處理量 | {{{design_capacity}}} |
設計發電量 | {{{unit_number}}} |
設計熱值 | {{{dsign_lower_heating_value}}} |
發電概況 | |
装机机组 | {{{ps_units_operational}}} |
廠牌和型號 | {{{ps_units_manu_model}}} |
在建机组 | {{{ps_units_uc}}} |
计划建设机组 | {{{ps_units_planned}}} |
取消建设机组 | {{{ps_units_cancelled}}} |
退役机组 | {{{ps_units_decommissioned}}} |
熱容量 | {{{ps_thermal_capacity}}} |
额定容量 | {{{ps_electrical_capacity}}}{{{installed_capacity}}} |
容量因子 | {{{ps_electrical_cap_fac}}} |
存储容量 | {{{ps_storage_hours}}} |
年发电量 | {{{ps_annual_generation}}} |
網站 | |
{{{website}}} | |
{{{extra}}} |
{{Infobox power station | name = | name_official = | image = | image_size = | image_caption = | image_alt = | country = | location = | status = | construction_began = | commissioned = | decommissioned = | cost = | owner = | operator = <!------------------------- GEOTHERMAL POWER STATIONS --> | geo_type = | geo_temp_requirement = | geo_well_count = | geo_well_depth = | geo_water_output = | geo_cogeneration = <!------------------------- NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS --> | np_reactor_type = | np_reactor_supplier = | np_fuel_type = | np_fuel_supplier = | np_cogeneration = | np_cooling_source = | np_cooling_towers = <!------------------------- PUMPED-STORAGE POWER STATIONS --> | psps_upper_res = | psps_upper_res_capacity= | psps_penstocks = | psps_lower_res = | psps_lower_res_capacity= | psps_hydraulic_head = | psps_generators = | psps_pumpgenerators = | psps_pumps = <!------------------------- SOLAR FIELD --> | solar_type = | solar_csp_technology = | solar_concentration = | solar_collectors = | solar_collectors_area = | solar_aperture_area = | solar_site_area = | solar_site_resource = <!------------------------- THERMAL POWER STATIONS --> | th_fuel_primary = | th_fuel_secondary = | th_fuel_tertiary = | th_technology = | th_feed_mine = | th_cogeneration = | th_combined_cycle = | th_cooling_source = <!------------------------- TIDAL POWER STATIONS --> | tide_technology = | tide_tsg_type = | tide_barrage_height = | tide_barrage_length = | tide_barrage_width = | tide_crosses = | tide_channel_width = | tide_channel_speed = | tide_dtp_length_perp = | tide_dtp_length_para = | tide_range = <!------------------------- WAVE FACILITIES --> | wave_technology = | wave_site_area = | wave_generator_depth = | wave_shore_distance = <!------------------------- WIND FARMS --> | wind_farm_type = | wind_site_elevation = | wind_site_usage = | wind_site_area = | wind_offshore_depth = | wind_offshore_distance = | wind_hub_height = | wind_rotor_diameter = | wind_rated_speed = <!------------------------- Hydroelectricity --> | generate_electricity_type = | water_intake_from = | hydroelectricity_generator_type = | water_turbine_manu_other = | factory_building_type = | water_penstock = | water_hard = | water_consumption = <!------------------------- Remote centralized control center of hydropower station --> | power_house = | unit_number = | dam_number = | installed_capacity = | average_annual_gen = <!------------------------- Waste incineration power plant --> | refuse_incineration_plant_number = | refuse_incineration_plant_type = | design_capacity = | dsign_lower_heating_value = <!------------------------- GENERAL --> | ps_units_operational = | ps_units_manu_model = | ps_units_uc = | ps_units_planned = | ps_units_cancelled = | ps_units_decommissioned= | ps_thermal_capacity = | ps_electrical_capacity = | ps_electrical_cap_fac = | ps_storage_hours = | ps_annual_generation = | website = | extra = }}
參數 | 簡介 |
Lead section | |
name | 發電廠名稱 |
name_official | 官方名稱,可能和 name 不同。適合填入該國母語。 |
image | 圖片文件名,不需要添加 File: 參數。 |
image_size | 盡量避免使用;預設值為 250px。 |
image_caption | 圖片下方的說明文字 |
image_alt | 圖像的替代文字 |
country | 所在國家。 |
location | General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed. |
status | State of the project. 填以下其中一項:
construction_began | 建造工程開始日期, consider using {{Start date}}. |
commissioned | Date commissioned, or to be commissioned, of the first unit. Consider using {{Start date}}. |
decommissioned | Date decommissioned, or to be decommissioned, of the last unit. Consider using {{End date}}. |
cost | Total cost of development. For non-USD values, consider using: {{To USD|XXXXXX|YYY|ZZZZ}} .Replace XXXXXX , YYY , and ZZZZ , with the value, the non-USD country name or code, and the year, respectively.
owner | Owner(s) of the power station. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage. Example: |
operator | Plant operator(s). If different from owner. |
Geothermal power stations | |
geo_type | The type of geothermal power station. 填以下其中一項:
geo_temp_requirement | Minimum temperature requirement of geothermal source. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|C|F|0|abbr=on}}
geo_well_count | Number of geothermal wells. |
geo_well_depth | Depth of the deepest well. |
geo_water_output | Hot water production in litres. |
geo_cogeneration | Is the power station a cogeneration type? Add Yes or No .
Nuclear power stations | |
np_reactor_type | The type(s) of reactors currently in use, and its corresponding number of reactors. For multiple reactors types, you may use the <br/> function.For power stations using a single type of reactor, enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
np_reactor_supplier | Reactor supplier(s) |
np_fuel_type | Type of nuclear fuel. |
np_fuel_supplier | Supplier of nuclear fuel. |
np_cogeneration | Is the power station a cogeneration type? Add Yes or No .
np_cooling_towers | Number of cooling towers. |
Pumped-storage hydroelectric power stations | |
psps_upper_res | Name of upper reservoir. |
psps_upper_res_capacity | Water storage capacity of upper reservoir. |
psps_penstocks | Number of penstocks between the reservoirs. |
psps_lower_res | Name of lower reservoir. |
psps_lower_res_capacity | Water capacity of lower reservoir. |
psps_hydraulic_head | Hydraulic head from upper reservoir. |
psps_generators | Number of generation units of the pumped-storage power station. |
psps_pumpgenerators | Number of units used for both generating and pumping. |
psps_pumps | Number of pumping units to the upper reservoir. |
Solar field | |
solar_type | The type of solar technology in use. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
solar_csp_technology | The CSP technology in use (not applicable for non-concentrated solar tech and CPV). Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
solar_concentration | Concentration of plant: Low , Medium , or High . See also: Types of CPV and Types of CSP.
solar_collectors | Number of heliostats or collectors |
solar_collectors_area | Total combined surface area of heliostats or collectors. |
solar_aperture_area | Total combined aperture of heliostats or collectors. |
solar_site_area | Land area used for entire facility. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|km2|mi2|0|abbr=on}}
solar_site_resource | Site solar resource in kWh/m2/yr. |
Thermal power stations | |
th_fuel_primary | Primary fuel source |
th_fuel_secondary | Secondary fuel source (optional) |
th_fuel_tertiary | Tertiary fuel source (optional) |
th_technology | |
th_feed_mine | |
th_cogeneration | Is the power station a cogeneration type? Add Yes or No .
th_combined_cycle | Is the power station a combined cycle type? Add Yes or No .
th_cooling_source | If the power station uses cooling water, add the source of the water. For other cooling technologies, add the name of technology, e.g. "air-cooled". |
Tidal power stations | |
tide_technology | The tidal technology in use. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields. For tidal barrage technology, please use infobox dam. |
tide_tsg_type | Type of tidal stream generator. |
tide_barrage_height | Height of tidal barrage. |
tide_barrage_length | Length of tidal barrage. |
tide_barrage_width | Width of tidal barrage. |
tide_crosses | Channel of water across which the barrage is build, or in which the tidal generators are located. |
tide_channel_width | Width of above mentioned channel. |
tide_channel_speed | Speed of water flow in the above-mentioned channel. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m/s|ft/s|1|abbr=on}}
tide_dtp_length_perp | Perpendicular length of the dynamic tidal power structure. |
tide_dtp_length_para | Parallel length of the dynamic tidal power structure. |
tide_range | Tidal range created by the dynamic tidal power structure. |
Wave farms | |
wave_technology | The wave technology in use (capture method). Capture methods are buoy (point absorber), surface-following attenuator, terminator, oriented perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, oscillating water column, underwater attenuator. |
wave_site_area | Surface area used for entire facility. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|km2|mi2|0|abbr=on}}
wave_generator_depth | Average water depth at the converter locations. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wave_shore_distance | Minimum distance from shore of wave farms. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
Wind farms | |
wind_farm_type | Type of wind farm (Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore). See also Types of wind farms. |
wind_site_elevation | Highest ground altitude (don't add hub height) over which a turbine is constructed. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wind_site_usage | Ground usage of Onshore wind farms (e.g. Farm land, desert). |
wind_site_area | Area used for entire facility. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|km2|mi2|0|abbr=on}}
wind_offshore_depth | Average water depth of Offshore wind farms. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wind_offshore_distance | Minimum distance from shore of Offshore wind farms. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wind_hub_height | Height of the wind turbine towers from base to hub. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}} If multiple types of turbines are in use, enter the maximum value. |
wind_rotor_diameter | Diameter of wind turbine rotor. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}} If multiple types of turbines are in use, enter the maximum value. |
wind_rated_speed | Rated wind speed of the wind turbine model. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m/s|ft/s|1|abbr=on}} If multiple types of turbines are in use, enter the minimum value. |
End section (used by all power station types, including those not listed above) | |
ps_units_operational | Number of currently operational turbines/generating units. Not applicable for pumped-storage power stations. |
ps_units_manu_model | Shortened name(s) of manufacturers and models of currently operational turbines/generating units. |
ps_units_uc | Number of generating units under construction. |
ps_units_planned | Number of generating units currently planned/proposed for installation. |
ps_units_cancelled | Number of planned generating units cancelled. |
ps_units_decommissioned | Number of generating units decommissioned or under decommissioning. |
ps_thermal_capacity | Thermal capacity. |
ps_electrical_capacity | Current gross installed capacity in megawatts, or planned capacity for those under development. For those which are operational, but with additional under development, please add only the current installed value. |
ps_electrical_cap_fac | Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage. |
ps_storage_hours | Storage capacity of the power station, in hours. |
ps_annual_generation | Average annual gross power generation. For a single-year value, adding the year in brackets is encouraged. |
website | Official website. |
extra | Use this field to add an additional infobox within this infobox. Example. |
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