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Editor Since 7-Oct-2004,
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用戶名號: Yuyu

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暱稱:JéRRy ~ 雨雨

: Jeromy-Yu Maximilian

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西西里晚禱》(法語Les vêpres siciliennes意大利語I vespri siciliani)是一部由朱塞佩·威尔第作曲的五幕大歌劇。歌劇的腳本是又由夏爾·杜韋里埃(Charles Duveyrier)和尤金·斯克利伯(Eugène Scribe)所作的《阿爾巴公爵 (Le duc d'Albe)》[1],並由他們二人親自將腳本套入1282年西西里晚禱起事的背景,從而製成這套歌劇的辭本。該劇於1855年6月13日巴黎歌劇院首演,並作為當年巴黎世界博覽會的一項主要活動。

如同威爾第所作的《唐·卡洛斯》一般,意大利語的辭本很快被制備。但為防意大利地區審查當局的干涉,該歌劇在各地以不同名字上演。在帕爾瑪大公劇院和米蘭斯卡拉大劇院1856樂季,該劇是以《Giovanna de Guzman》之名上演的,而在1858年那不勒斯,該劇的名字卻成了《Batilde di Turenna》。1860年,兩西西里歸併薩丁尼亞,後成為意大利王國,該劇自此得以在意大利以《西西里晚禱 (I vespri siciliani)》之名上演。[2]








  1. ^ Michael Kennedy, The Oxford Concise Dictionary of Music 2004, ISBN 0198608845
  2. ^ Portale Giusseppe Verdi 資料

Les vêpres siciliennes (The Sicilian Vespers) is an opera in five acts by the Italian romantic composer Giuseppe Verdi set to a French libretto by Charles Duveyrier and Eugène Scribe from their work Le duc d'Albe. It is based on a historical event, the Sicilian Vespers of 1282, using material drawn from the medieval Sicilian tract Lu rebellamentu di Sichilia.[1] It was first performed at the Paris Opéra on 13 June 1855.

The Italian version: I vespri siciliani


As was later to happen with Verdi's Don Carlos, which was also based on a French libretto, an Italian libretto was quickly prepared under Verdi's supervision by the poet Ettore Caimi with the title, Giovanna de Guzman [2]. It was first performed at the Teatro Regio, Parma on December 26, 1855.

Verdi was aware that in Italy at that time, it would have been impossible to place the story in Sicily[3] but, based on Scribe's suggestions for changing the location[4], it became Portugal in 1640 while under Spanish control.

Performance history


Because the original version never entered the established repertory, Verdi attempted to aid its revival at the Paris Opéra on 6 July 1863 by revising some of the roles for selected singers. However, after a few performances, the opera disappeared and was replaced by the French version of Il trovatore, Le trouvère. Except for one revival in Paris in 1863, "it vanished from the Parisian stage altogether" [4]

In the 1855/1856 season, the Italian version of opera - without the ninety-minute ballet - was performed nine times and, after 1861, it reverted to its original name.[4] Thus, in modern times, it is most often performed in Italian under the title I vespri siciliani.


Role Voice type French version:
Premiere Cast, 13 June 1855[5]
(Conductor: - )
Italian version:
Premiere Cast, 26 December 1855
La Fenice, Venice
(Conductor: - )
FR: Guy de Montfort, Governor of Sicily under Charles d'Anjou, King of Naples /
IT: Michele de Vasconcello, A Portuguese quisling[4]
baritone Marc Bonnehée
Le Sire de Béthune, a French officer bass M. Coulon
Le Comte de Vaudemont, a French officer bass M. Guignot
FR: Henri, a young Sicilian /
IT: Enrico
tenor Louis Gueymard
FR: Jean Procida, a Sicilian doctor /
IT: Don Giovanni Ribera Pinto, a Portuguese captain
bass Louis-Henri Obin
FR: La Duchesse Hélène sister of Duke Frederick of Austria /
IT: Giovanna de Guzman (originally Helena)
soprano Sophie Cruvelli
Ninetta, her maid contralto Mme Sannier
Daniéli, her servant tenor M. Boulo
Thibault , a French soldier tenor M. Aimes
Robert, a French soldier baritone M. Marie
Mainfroid, a Sicilian, adherent of Procida tenor M. Koenig


Place: Palermo, Italy
Time: 1282

Act 1


Palermo's main square

Tebaldo, Roberto, and other French soldiers have gathered in front of the Governor's palace. As they offer a toast to their homeland, they are observed by the local Sicilians, unhappy with the occupation.

Elena enters dressed in mourning for her executed brother. The group demands that she entertain them, but her song only incites the Sicilians to rebellion against the occupiers. When the governor, Monteforte, enters the crowd calms down. Then Arrigo announces that that he has been released from prison. Alone with Arrigo, Montforte offers him a position with the French as long as he stays away from Elena. He refuses, and immediately follows Elena in to the palace.

Act 2


Beside the sea

Act 3


Scene 1: Montforte's palace

Scene 2: A ball at montforte's palace

Act 4


A prison

Act 5


The gardens of Montforte's palace

Noted arias

  • "Viens à nous, Dieu tutélaire" (Deh! tu calma, o Dio possente) - Hélène in Act I
  • "Dans l'ombre et le silence" (Nell'ombra e nel silenzio) - Jean Procida in Act II
  • "Et toi, Palerme" (O tu Palermo) - Jean Procida in Act II
  • "Au sein de la puissance" (In braccio alle dovizie) - Guy de Montfort in Act III, Scene 1
  • "O jour de peine" (Giorno di pianto) - Henri in Act IV
  • "La brise souffle au loin" (La brezza aleggia intorno) - Henri in Act V
  • "Merci, jeunes amies" (Mercé, dilette amiche) - Hélène in Act V

Notable adaptations


Template:Multi-listen item

Selected recordings

Year Cast
(Elena, Arrigo, Montforte, Procida)
Opera House and Orchestra
Label Version
1969 Jacqueline Brumaire
Jean Bonhomme
Neilson Taylor
Stafford Dean
Mario Rossi,
BBC Concert Orchestra,
BBC Chorus
Audio CD: Opera Rara
Cat: ORCV303
Les vêpres siciliennes (French)
1974 Martina Arroyo
Plácido Domingo
Sherrill Milnes
Ruggero Raimondi
James Levine,
New Philharmonia Orchestra,
John Alldis Choir
Audio CD: Victor Red Seal


I vespri siciliani (Italian)
1975 Montserrat Caballé
Plácido Domingo
Franco Bordoni
Justino Diaz
Eve Queler,
Teatro del Liceo Orchestra and Chorus
Audio CD: MRF Records
Cat: MRF-128
I vespri siciliani (Italian)
1990 Cheryl Studer
Chris Merritt
Giorgio Zancanaro
Ferruccio Furlanetto
Riccardo Muti,
Teatro alla Scala
Audio CD: EMI
Cat: CDS 7 54043-2
I vespri siciliani (Italian)
1990 Cheryl Studer
Chris Merritt
Giorgio Zancanaro
Ferruccio Furlanetto
Riccardo Muti,
Teatro alla Scala
DVD: Image Entertainment
Cat: ID4361PUDVD
I vespri siciliani (Italian) with Act 3 ballet

Note: "Cat:" is short for catalogue number by the label company; "ASIN" is amazon.com product reference number.


  1. ^ Clifford R. Backman (2002), The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily: Politics, Religion, and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296–1337 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 6.
  2. ^ "I now know what it means to translate and I feel sympathy for all bad tranlation that are around because it is impossible to make a good one", Verdi to Giulio Ricordi 6 June 1865 in Budden, p.238 (see below)
  3. ^ "I shall...(change) the subject so as to render it acceptable for Italian theatres", Letter from Verdi to Ricordi, 29 April 1855, quoted in Budden, p. 238 (see below)
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Budden, pp.238/240, see below
  5. ^ List of singers taken from Budden,p.168 (see below)
    Paris Opéra


  • Budden, Julian, The Operas of Verdi, Vol. 2, London: Cassell, 1978 ISBN 030431059X

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