


生长断层(英语:growth fault)是在大陆板块边缘形成的一种同沉积的伸展构造[1]. 通常平行于并具有大量沉积物供应的被动边缘[2]. 它们的断层面向盆地方向倾斜,属于铲形断层一种。故其断层面倾角,浅処陡近乎垂直,深処逐渐变缓。在底部其断层面可能达到与地层面平行,形成滑脱面










生长断层是同沉积断层一种,在墨西哥湾,分析同沉积断层在沉积中心的分布,表明相邻沉积物由于厚度或岩相不同,就能产生差异压实, 而导致生长断层[8]. 生长断层的特征之一是在下降盘的地层厚度往断层增加。在研究尼日尔三角洲一个主要生长断层时。证实这种地层增厚结构受三种因素控制:1)地层的差异压实,2)断层运动导致的沉降横向变化 3) 由深层页岩移动引起的局部沉降。而同沉积断层压实本身就能造成25% 至 35%容积空间[9]



生长断层是伸展构造的一种,在前积型大陆棚的前缘,由于沉积物的堆积引发重力滑动。而造成伸展断层。伸展断层能导致下降盘横向平移和纵向下沉。造成的沉积空间大于上升盘。加上充裕的沉积物的供应。其地层厚度比上升盘同层厚。岩相亦不同。因而形成生长断层[10] [11]


  1. ^ Cazes, C. A.; 2004. "Overlap Zones, Growth Faults, and Sedimentation: Using High Resolution Gravity Data, Livingston Parish, LA.". Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in The Department of Geology and Geophysics; Louisiana State University, Thesis": 147.
  2. ^ Schlische, R.W.; Anders, M.H. (1996). "Stratigraphic effects and tectonic implications of the growth of normal faults and extensional basins. In: Berata, K. (Ed.), Reconstructing the History of the Basin and Range Extension using Sedimentology and Stratigraphy". Geological Society of America. 303: 183–203 doi:10.1130/0-8137-2303-5.183
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Doglioni, C.; D’Agostino, N.; Mariotti, G. (1998). "Normal faulting versus regional subsidence and sedimentation rate". Marine and Petroleum Geology. 15: 737–750. doi:10.1016/s0264-8172(98)00052-x
  4. ^ C.H. Bruce (1983). "Shale Tectonics, Texas Coastal Area Growth Faults", Seismic Expression of Structural Styles: A Picture and Work Atlas. Volume 1–The Layered Earth, Volume 2–Tectonics Of Extensional Provinces, & Volume 3–Tectonics Of Compressional Provinces, A. W. Bally
  5. ^ Yuill, B.; Lavoie, D.; Reed, D.J. (2009). "Understanding subsidence processes in coastal Louisiana". Journal of Coastal Research. 10054: 23–36. doi:10.2112/si54-012.1
  6. ^ Joel S. Watkins (1994)Growth-Fault Evolution in Offshore Texas Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions Vol. 44 (1994), Pages 103-110
  7. ^ Michael Warsitzka,Jonas Kley and Nina Kukowski(2013)Salt diapirism driven by differential loading — Some insights from analogue modelling Tectonophysics,Volume 591,Pages 83-97
  8. ^ Robert E. Carver; Differential Compaction as a Cause of Regional Contemporaneous Faults. AAPG Bulletin 1968;; 52 (3): 414–419. doi: https://doi.org/10.1306/5D25C2E3-16C1-11D7-8645000102C1865D
  9. ^ Amed Fazli Khani and Stefan Back (2015),The influence of differential sedimentary loading and compaction on the development of a deltaic rollover,Marine and Petroleum Geology,Volume 59,2015,Pages 136-149, ISSN 0264-8172, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.08.005. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026481721400261X)。
  10. ^ William E. Galloway (1986)Growth Faults and Fault-Related Structures of Prograding Terrigenous Clastic Continental Margins。Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions,Vol.36, Pages 121-128.
  11. ^ Martin P. A. Jackson and William E. Galloway(1984), Thin-skinned Gravity Sliding as a Mechanism for Growth Faulting, in Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Tertiary Continental Margins: Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration. P37-45 AAPG Special Volumes.