

曆元 J2000
星座 天龍座
赤經 17h 36m 25.8999s[1]
赤緯 +68° 20′ 20.909″[1]
視星等(V) 9.15[2]
光譜分類M3.5 V[3]
U−B 色指數1.06
B−V 色指數1.49
徑向速度 (Rv)–23.2[4] km/s
自行 (μ) 赤經:–320.47[1] mas/yr
赤緯:–1269.55[1] mas/yr
視差 (π)220.86 ± 0.92[1] mas
距離14.77 ± 0.06 ly
(4.53 ± 0.02 pc)
絕對星等 (MV)10.87
質量0.401 ± 0.040[5] M
半徑0.492 ± 0.038[5] R
表面重力 (log g)4.66[5]
溫度3,095 ± 107[5] K
金屬量 [Fe/H]+0.11 ± 0.20[5] dex
自轉速度 (v sin i)<2.8[6] km/s
BD +68°946, GCTP 4029.00, GJ 687, HIP 86162, LHS 450, LTT 15232, SAO 17568.[2]

格利澤687,或稱GJ 687(Gliese–Jahreiß 687)是天龍座中的一顆紅矮星。它是離太陽最近的恆星之一,距離大約小於15光年。儘管它離太陽很近,但它的視星等只有9等,因此需要用適當的望遠鏡才能觀測到。這顆恆星的自行很大,每年增加1.304 角秒。它的徑向速度為大約39 km/s。[2]目前已知該恆星旁有一顆質量與海王星相當的行星存在。[7]









2014年,發現有一顆行星環繞格利澤687,名為格利澤687 b,最小質量為18.394個地球質量(與海王星相當),軌道週期為38.14天,軌道偏心率低,位於宜居帶內。[7]2020年,在更遠更冷的軌道上發現了另一顆海王星質量的候選行星。 [12]

質量 半長軸
離心率 傾角 半徑
b ≥17.2 M 0.163 38.142 0.17
c ≥16 M 1.165 727.562 0.40




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Perryman, M. A. C.; et al. The HIPPARCOS Catalogue. Astronomy & Astrophysics. July 1997, 323: L49–L52. Bibcode:1997A&A...323L..49P. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 LHS 450 -- High proper-motion Star. SIMBAD. Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. [2009-11-12]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-09). 
  3. ^ Endl, Michael; Cochran, William D.; Kürster, Martin; Paulson, Diane B.; Wittenmyer, Robert A.; MacQueen, Phillip J.; Tull, Robert G. Exploring the Frequency of Close-in Jovian Planets around M Dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal. September 2006, 649 (1): 436–443. Bibcode:2006ApJ...649..436E. arXiv:astro-ph/0606121可免費查閱. doi:10.1086/506465. 
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  6. ^ Jenkins, J. S.; Ramsey, L. W.; Jones, H. R. A.; Pavlenko, Y.; Gallardo, J.; Barnes, J. R.; Pinfield, D. J. Rotational Velocities for M Dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal. October 2009, 704 (2): 975–988. Bibcode:2009ApJ...704..975J. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/704/2/975. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 The Lick–Carnegie exoplanet survey: Gliese 687 b: A Neptune-mass planet orbiting a nearby red dwarf 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2014-03-27.
  8. ^ Gautier, Thomas N., III; et al. Far-Infrared Properties of M Dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal. September 2007, 667 (1): 527–536. Bibcode:2007ApJ...667..527G. doi:10.1086/520667. 
  9. ^ Hinz, Joannah L.; McCarthy, Donald W., Jr.; Simons, Doug A.; Henry, Todd J.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; McGuire, Patrick C. A Near-Infrared, Wide-Field, Proper-Motion Search for Brown Dwarfs. The Astronomical Journal. April 2002, 123 (4): 2027–2032. Bibcode:2002AJ....123.2027H. arXiv:astro-ph/0201140可免費查閱. doi:10.1086/339555. 
  10. ^ Endl, Michael; Cochran, William D.; Tull, Robert G.; MacQueen, Phillip J. A Dedicated M Dwarf Planet Search Using The Hobby-Eberly Telescope. The Astronomical Journal. December 2003, 126 (6): 3099–3107. Bibcode:2003AJ....126.3099E. arXiv:astro-ph/0308477可免費查閱. doi:10.1086/379137. 
  11. ^ Schmitt JHMM, Fleming TA, Giampapa MS. The X-ray view of the low-mass stars in the solar neighborhood. Ap J. September 1995, 450 (9): 392–400. Bibcode:1995ApJ...450..392S. doi:10.1086/176149. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Feng, Fabo; Shectman, Stephen A.; Clement, Matthew S.; Vogt, Steven S.; Tuomi, Mikko; Teske, Johanna K.; Burt, Jennifer; Crane, Jeffrey D.; Holden, Bradford; Sharon Xuesong Wang; Thompson, Ian B.; Diaz, Matias R.; Paul Butler, R. Search for Nearby Earth Analogs. III. Detection of ten new planets, three planet candidates, and confirmation of three planets around eleven nearby M dwarfs. 2020. S2CID 221150644. arXiv:2008.07998可免費查閱. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/abb139可免費查閱. 

