

座標35°17′43″S 149°08′55″E / 35.2952°S 149.1487°E / -35.2952; 149.1487
澳洲 澳洲政府機構
Australian Signals Directorate
機構駐地 澳洲坎培拉羅素辦公室英語Russell Offices
35°17′43″S 149°08′55″E / 35.2952°S 149.1487°E / -35.2952; 149.1487
格言Reveal their secrets, protect our own
(截至2020年2月 (2020-02))雷切爾·諾布林英語Rachel Noble
下設機構澳洲網絡安全中心英語Australian Cyber Security Centre

澳洲訊號局位於坎培拉羅素辦公室英語Russell Offices

澳洲訊號局(英語:Australian Signals DirectorateASD),前身為國防訊號局 (DSD),是澳洲政府的聯邦法定機構,負責外國訊號情報、支援軍事行動、網絡戰資訊保安。是澳洲情報界英語Australian Intelligence Community的一部分。在五眼聯盟中的作用是監控南亞和東亞的訊號情報(「SIGINIT」)。還設有澳洲網絡安全中心英語Australian Cyber Security Centre

總部設在坎培拉羅素辦公室英語Russell Offices的國防部總部。[2]根據立法,澳洲安全情報組織(ASIO)和澳大利亞聯邦警察 (AFP)可尋求澳洲訊號局的協助,對澳洲公民和企業進行調查。[3]







澳洲訊號局的主要職能是收集和散發外國訊號情報 (SIGINT),並向澳洲政府澳洲國防軍(ADF)、其外國合作夥伴和軍隊提供資訊保安產品和服務。[7]



澳洲國防衛星通訊站英語Australian Defence Satellite Communications Station淺灘灣接收站英語Shoal Bay Receiving Station是美國訊號情報梯隊分析網絡的一部分。[10][11]這些站還為許多澳洲政府機構以及其他五眼聯盟合作夥伴提供訊號情報。

澳洲皇家通訊兵團英語Royal Australian Corps of Signals電子作戰人員與澳洲訊號局密切合作。位於昆士蘭卡巴拉婆羅洲兵營(Borneo Barracks)的澳洲第7通訊團英語7th Signal Regiment (Australia)(電子作戰)也與澳洲訊號局有關。[12]




1948年澳洲加入了五眼聯盟協定[14][15]即澳洲、加拿大、新西蘭、英國和美國之間的訊號情報合作多邊協定。該聯盟也被稱為五眼聯盟[16]其他被稱為「第三方」的國家,如西德、菲律賓和幾個北歐國家也加入了該協定社區。[17][18]由於該協定是一項秘密條約,它的存在甚至直到1973年才告知堅持要看到該協定的時任澳洲總理高夫·惠特蘭[19]澳洲政府直到1973年墨菲襲擊英語1973 Murphy raids澳洲安全情報組織(ASIO)總部時才得知該協定的存在。隨後澳洲總理高夫·惠特蘭才發現美國中央情報局(CIA)在澳洲愛麗斯泉附近設有秘密的松樹谷監視站。[20][21][22][23]松樹谷現在由澳洲和美國共同使用。




澳洲訊號局由一名總監和一名負責監督戰略的首席副總監領導。還轄澳洲網絡安全中心、訊號情報和網絡作戰組織( Signals Intelligence and Network Operations Group)以及企業和能力組織(Corporate and Capability Group)。






國防訊號情報和網絡司令部 (Defence Signals-Intelligence (SIGINT) and Cyber Command,DSCC) 成立於2018年1月,由澳洲國防軍司令英語Chief of the Defence Force (Australia)將訊號局內的所有ADF人員整合到聯合網絡部隊( Joint Cyber Unit)和聯合訊號情報部隊(Joint SIGINT Unit)。DSCC指揮官對資訊作戰總監(Head of Information Warfare)負責,聯合能力總監(Chief of Joint Capabilities)對澳洲國防軍司令英語Chief of the Defence Force (Australia)負責。[28]指揮官目前是澳洲皇家海軍James McCormack準將,他以前是澳洲訊號局支援軍事行動的總監。[29]


姓名 上任 離任
Ian McKenzie 2013年11月
Paul Taloni 2013年11月[30] 2017年12月3日
邁克·伯吉斯英語Mike Burgess (intelligence chief) 2018年1月4日 2019年9月15日
雷切爾·諾布林英語Rachel Noble 2020年2月 在職


  1. ^ Canberra Times. Australian Signals Directorate $75 million Canberra upgrade gets go ahead頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館).
  2. ^ History: DSD Defence Signals Directorate. dsd.gov.au. 2011. (原始內容存檔於2011-11-01). 
  3. ^ Peter Dutton confirms push to expand powers of cyber spy agency to monitor domestic threats. [2022-12-14]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-12). 
  4. ^ Defence Signals Division renamed Defence Signals Directorate | Australian Signals Directorate. www.asd.gov.au. [2022-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-24). 
  5. ^ 2013 Defence White Paper: Renaming the Defence Signals Directorate and the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (新聞稿). Minister for Defence. 3 May 2013 [2 September 2013]. (原始內容存檔於28 August 2013). 
  6. ^ Whyte, Sally. John Blaxland to write official history of the Australian Signals Directorate. The Canberra Times. 2019-07-09 [2019-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-17). 
  7. ^ About DSD: DSD Defence Signals Directorate. dsd.gov.au. 2011. (原始內容存檔於2011-12-01). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Dorling, Philip. Listening post revealed on Cocos Islands. Canberra Times. 2013-11-01 [2013-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-14). 
  9. ^ Leslie, Tim; Corcoran, Mark. Explained: Australia's involvement with the NSA, the US spy agency at heart of global scandal. ABC. 2013-11-19 [2016-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-28). 
  10. ^ Tracking down the masters of terror. The Age. 2003-03-17 [2008-02-22]. (原始內容存檔於2012-11-07). 
  11. ^ Adshead, Gary. Secret WA spy base. The Sunday Times (Perth). 2001-06-10: 20. 
  12. ^ Slocombe, Geoff. Cyber security: Australian signals directorate (ASD) is in the defensive and offensive front-line. Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter: 34–36. 
  13. ^ Dorling, Philip. Exposed: Australia's Asia spy network. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2013-10-31 [2013-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-23). 
  14. ^ Declassified UKUSA Signals Intelligence Agreement Documents Available (新聞稿). National Security Agency. 24 June 2010 [25 June 2010]. (原始內容存檔於16 July 2013). 
  15. ^ Also known as the Quadripartite Agreement or Quadripartite Pact (EPIC, Privacy International, Privacy and Human Rights 2002: An International Survey of Privacy Rights and Developments, Epic, 2002: 100, 2002, ISBN 1-893044-16-5 )
  16. ^ Cox, James. Canada and the Five Eyes Intelligence Community (PDF). Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute. December 2012. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2013-12-04). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Norton-Taylor, Richard. Not so secret: deal at the heart of UK-US intelligence. The Guardian. 2010-06-25 [2010-06-25]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-05). 
  18. ^ Gallagher, Ryan. How Secret Partners Expand NSA's Surveillance Dragnet. The Intercept. 2014-06-19 [2014-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-16). 
  19. ^ Jordan Chittley & Kevin Newman. Canada's role in secret intelligence alliance Five Eyes. CTV News. [2013-10-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-03-05). 
  20. ^ Ley, Jenny. Australia and America: a 50-year affair. The Age. 2003-02-01 [2014-01-30]. (原始內容存檔於2014-04-28). 
  21. ^ Gill, Peter. Policing Politics: Security Intelligence and the Liberal Democratic State 1. publ. London u.a.: Cass. 1994: 198. ISBN 0-7146-3490-5. 
  22. ^ Leslie, Tim. Explained: Australia's involvement with the NSA, the US spy agency at heart of global scandal. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 2013-11-08 [2014-01-30]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-28). Its existence was allegedly so secret that prime ministers were unaware of the agreement until 1973 – the same year the Commonwealth raided ASIO 
  23. ^ Pugh, Michael C. The ANZUS Crisis, Nuclear Visiting and Deterrence有限度免費查閱,超限則需付費訂閱 1. publ. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1989: 46. ISBN 0-521-34355-0. 
  24. ^ Adam White. How a Secret Spy Pact Helped Win the Cold War. Time. 29 June 2010 [2022-12-14]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-22). 
  25. ^ Newly released GCHQ files: UKUSA Agreement. The National Archives. June 2010 [2022-12-14]. (原始內容存檔於2010-06-26). The files contain details of the recently avowed UKUSA Agreement – the top secret, post-war arrangement for sharing intelligence between the United States and the UK. Signed by representatives of the London Signals Intelligence Board and its American counterpart in March 1946, the UKUSA Agreement is without parallel in the Western intelligence world and formed the basis for co-operation between the two countries throughout the Cold War. 
  26. ^ Wark, Wesley. The road to CANUSA: how Canadian signals intelligence won its independence and helped create the Five Eyes. Intelligence and National Security. 
  27. ^ News. www.nzsis.govt.nz. [2018-01-31]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-21). 
  28. ^ Defence Chief announces new Command (30 January 2018)頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館Australian Department of Defence News
  29. ^ [1]頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館Australian Defence Force Ikahan Seminar
  30. ^ Coyne, Allie. Defence appoints new infosec chief. iTnews (nextmedia Pty Ltd). 2013-10-24 [2017-10-28]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-14). 

