
叙利亚西北部冲突 (2022年12月)


叙利亚西北部冲突是自2022年12月2日开始,位于叙利亚伊德利卜省阿勒颇省哈马省拉塔基亚省的“伊德利卜降级区”前线爆发了一系列激烈冲突。这些冲突始于沙姆解放组织和其盟友对亲政府的叙利亚阿拉伯军英语Syrian Army阵地发动的袭击[1][2]沙姆解放组织将一系列的袭击称之为我们不会和解[3]。据叙利亚人权观察组织表示,沙姆解放组织为阻止土耳其和叙利亚之间可能进行的和平谈判而发动此次袭击。[4]


  1. ^ HTS escalated attacks in December 2022 | Hezbollah commander and member and 45 regime soldiers and loyalists killed by HTS. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. 2023-01-01 [2023-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-23). 
  2. ^ Syria in 2022 - Movement in the south, fighting in the north, and the economy is collapsing. hawarnewsagency.com. 2022-12-21 [2023-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-26). 
  3. ^ serbest. Clashes Between Syrian Forces, HTS in Aleppo result in casualties. North press agency. 2023-01-11 [2023-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-23) (美国英语). 
  4. ^ Amid frequent reports about potential rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus | HTS escalates military operations on frontlines of "de-escalation zone". SOHR. 2022-12-18 [2023-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-18).